An insight into Protected & Listed Buildings

February 12, 2014

Stained glass window specialists are often called to maintain, repair or restore windows of high value and importance. It is not uncommon for listed or protected buildings to require such maintenance, but there is still confusion about protected and listed buildings and what work or restorations can be done.

Sherriff Stained Glass Specialists Blog - Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

Listed buildings are a tribute to the architectural heritage of the period, marking a period of particularly interesting or rare design that should be preserved for future generations. A listing is a marker of recognition that the building is notable rather than a law that protects the building. Listings do however prevent immediate redevelopment – listed buildings must apply for governmental consent in an application that breaks down any plans. It’s all down to government guidance.

Grade I listed buildings are considered to be most precious in terms of interest and importance. Grade I listed buildings make up just 2.5% of all listed buildings and are of such value that they are regularly considered to be internationally important. It is the highest form of protection against redevelopment and alteration. Examples of grade I listed buildings include London’s Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Hampshire’s Porchester Castle or Dorset’s Parnham house – a project for Sherriff Stained Glass Specialists some years ago.

Grade II* listed buildings are labelled as particularly special buildings with extreme importance. Grade II* protected buildings make up just 5.5% of all listed buildings. Examples include Manchester Town Hall, London’s Coliseum Theatre and Battersea Power Station.

Sherriff Stained Glass Specialists Blog - Battersea Power Station Protected Building
Battersea Power Station (Sourced from

Grade II buildings are considered nationally important. Falling under this category are 92% of all listed buildings, the majority of which are homes that carry some special significance or interest. There are over 374,000 listed structures in England, protecting any extensions, walls and windows. The interior and exterior of these buildings are entirely included in the protection. However, regular maintenance is essential to preserve any listed buildings, and that can mean applying for Listed Building Consent if the maintenance involves significant work – but generally like-for-like work is allowed without formal permission. Owners of protected buildings that contain stained glass window panels have a duty and responsibility to uphold their condition – stained glass window conservation specialists will be required. If you have a listed building with a stained and/or leaded window in need of repair, restoration or maintenance, get in touch with the specialists at Sherriff Stained Glass Specialists. We would be happy to discuss your project, and provide any further advice or information regarding the process of working with protected buildings. Call us now on 01202 882208 or contact us via our online form.

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