
April 1, 2024

The Benefits Of Combining Stone Frames With Leaded Windows

There are many benefits to stone window frames and leaded glass windows. This blog will explore the numerous benefits of combining these frames and windows.
March 1, 2024

How To Incorporate Leaded Window Designs Into Your Home

Leaded windows are great for bringing style to your home’s exterior. Our experts have put together their advice on getting the most out of lead window designs.
February 2, 2024

8 Interesting Stained Glass Door Patterns & Designs

Considering a stained-glass front door or looking to incorporate custom patterns into your home’s interiors? We’re exploring 8 standout stained-glass designs.
January 1, 2024

Should You Get Your Metal Windows Restored Or Replaced?

Should you opt for metal window repair, restoration, or replacement? We’re looking at the different factors to consider so you can make an informant decision.
December 15, 2023

What Are Encapsulated Stained-Glass Windows?

Window encapsulation offers a great solution to many of the challenges that face stained-glass windows. Learn how it works and how it can benefit your home.
December 1, 2023

The Dos and Don’ts of Stained-Glass Window Design

Knowing how to get the best out of your stained-glass window designs can often be tricky. Our specialists are sharing their advice for custom stained glass.
August 14, 2023

When Should Leaded Windows Be Repaired Or Restored?

Over time, leaded glass may require a window restoration service to maintain its intricate charm. Learn how to recognise if your leaded windows need repairing.
July 11, 2023

A Guide To Triple Glazing For Leaded And Stained Glass

While beautiful, stained glass and lead windows can be prone to deterioration and breakages. Fortunately, triple glazing offers an ideal, long-term solution.
June 12, 2023

Equans HM Revenue & Customs Stained Glass Project

Stained Glass Restoration Contract Awarded

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