Refurbished Metal Window Frames Case Study - North Allington
The Brief
The client requested refurbished metal window frames fitted with slimline double glazed units. Double glazing vastly improves the amenity of the windows, as well as the insulation properties.
Getting to Work
After removing the existing metal casement windows and investigating the condition of the stone, we called in the help of Alex Evans of Stoneform to help us with the stone window surrounds. Alex carried out the work of removing the old cast stone and fitting of the new Ham stone. It was a joint effort to finish this project with a superb outcome.
The Result
The metal double glazed windows have added years to the metal casement windows. The refurbished metal window frames fit beautifully in the stone window surround.
To discuss your existing metal window frames and whether you think refurbishment could be required, please send your requirements to arrange a consultation. Use our online form or call 01202 882208 to discuss your project with our friendly team.
Contact us
For further information about our range of products and services, call us on 01202 882208 or complete the enquiry form.